[WLANware] [GSoC] Project: Responsive and extendable web 2.0 user interface for Netmon-SC - Introduction

Clemens John clemens.john at floh1111.de
Thu Mar 17 15:39:12 CET 2016

Am Dienstag, 15. März 2016, 03:05:58 CET schrieb Kasun Gunasekara:
> While going through GSoC project ideas page of Freifunk I came across an
> idea which caught my sudden interest "Responsive and extendable web 2.0
> user interface for Netmon-SC". I would like to get involved in this project
> and continue to work with Freifunk for GSoC 2016.

Hi Kasun,

I really appreciate your application! I'll be busy doing exams until march 
24th so I can't give you a lot more information at the moment.

But maybe I can give you a short Idea of what I have in mind concerning this 
project. I'm currently developing a JSON REST API for managing Wireless 
routers deployed by the Freifunk Nordwest Community. The API is part of my 
bachelor thesis and not finished yet, but I will finish it until student coding 
period will start and give detailed usage examples and documentation untill 
then. The API is written in PHP using the Laravel 5.x framework.

To make the data of the API accessible by normal users, we will need a GUI. A 
good option would be writing a browser client in Javascript. So main work will 
be GUI design and API consuming. Some of the tasks the Client should be able 
to do are:
    register a new user
    create a new device
    (assign automatically created devices to users)
    manage devices using tags
    visualize devices and statusdata (map, client side rendered graphs)
    (extend the application using plugins)

The Freifunk Franken Community has a running version of our old application 
(written in PHP from 2009). Take a look to get an impression of how this looks 
like: https://netmon.freifunk-franken.de

But a more important ascpect than features is stability and maintainability. 
The goal of the GUI-project is to get a running version of the client that can 
be easily understood, maintained and extended by other developers. It is 
totaly ok if the application does not support all features but is well 
maintaniable and extendable by other developers.

A possible technology stack would be (just a suggestion, you can use another 
technology stack ofcourse as long as it is free software):
jQuery (consuming API's)
AngularJS (Single page apps)
OpenLayers (dislaying maps like OpenStreetMap)
jsrrdgraph (graphing rrd files)
Bootstrap (design)

If you want to participate, please submit your application using the official 
GSoC website. 

Best whishes
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