[WLANnews] Fwd: [Battlemesh] Crowdfunding campaign for the production of a documentary about wireless mesh networks in Greece

Monic Meisel monic at monic.de
Fr Feb 12 11:06:21 CET 2016

Liebe Vereine und Freifunkas,

auf der Transmediale haben wir George getroffen und schon einen Vorgeschmack sehen können.
Bitte unterstützt das Crowdfunding unserer griechischen Freunde, damit die Doku über das Projekt entstehen kann :)

Vielen Dank und LG,

Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:

> Von: George Klissiaris <gklis at sarantaporo.gr>
> Betreff: [Battlemesh] Crowdfunding campaign for the production of a documentary about wireless mesh networks in Greece
> «Building Communities of Commons in Greece»
> A documentary about "Sarantaporo.gr Wireless Community Network" in Greece
> On October 16th 2015, the Personal Cinema group, in cooperation with Sarantaporo.gr Non Profit Organization, launched a crowdfunding campaign at goteo.org crowdfunding platform to gather resources for the production of a documentary titled «Building Communities of Commons in Greece - A documentary about mesh and community networks in Sarantaporo area in Greece».
> The documentary concerns the area of Sarantaporo, a village in Elassona Municipality in central Greece, where four years ago a group of people initiated the set up of a wireless community network (Sarantaporo.gr Community Network), now available in Sarantaporo and 14 more neighbouring villages. This infrastructure is not only about offering remote areas the opportunity of internet access, but it is also about creating a model for development, operation and expansion of community wireless networks to be replicated in other distant areas. Furthermore, it is about building communities aiming at local socioeconomic development and collaborative production of common goods (like common infrastructures).
> The resources raised by the campaign will allow, not only the completion of the documentary, but also its best possible utilization by organizing public projections and open discussions to communicate and support the project and to raise awareness about wireless community networks and the commons - production models based on the principle of peer production and social economy.
> You can see a promo trailer video of the documentary here and a promo video of the crowdfunding campaign here. (english subtitles are available)
> Your contribution both co-financing and spreading the word about this campaign will be essential for the documentary completion and raising awareness about community networks and the commons. You can see who has already co-finance this project here.
> Visit the campaign's web page:
> https://goteo.org/project/building-communities-of-commons?lang=en
> Thank you in advance!
> George Klissiaris
> Sarantaporo.gr

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