[WLANnews] [Office] FCC, open spectrum

Alexander List alex at list.priv.at
Fr Feb 8 04:52:12 CET 2013

On 02/06/2013 04:36 AM, Benjamin Hagemann wrote:

>   "Die US-Regulierungsbehörde FCC will ein öffentliches WLAN einrichten.
>   Davon erhofft sich die Behörde unter anderem Innovationen im Bereich des
>   Internets der Dinge. Die Reaktionen auf den Vorschlag sind zwiespältig."
(Für unsere deutschen Freunde: Sorry, auf Englisch, die OSA-Liste hat
hauptsächlich Mitglieder, die nicht Deutsch sprechen)


I won't comment on the OT discussion on wlannews that doesn't get us any
further re freeing more spectrum. I'll just answer your question
directly: The above was the result of a really badly written article in
The Washington Post and c&p journalism across the globe:


There is no such plan:


However, as posted to the Openspectrum list yesterday, Ofcom (UK) plans
to give the 600 MHz band to one HDTV operator temporarily, under the
condition that it be shared with white space and wireless microphone users:


If someone wants do do active lobbying for more open spectrum for WiFi
and similar uses, we're happy to support you. Please coordinate with Bob
Horvitz as well, he has been most active in Brussels recently, with
great success...


Don't expect things to move quickly tho, political processes take years,
you have to be patient, and persistent. Keep on improving the technology
in the meantime, experiment, build, advocate ;)

If there's a crowd of people who want to get rid of the third-party
liability issue in Germany (Mitstörerhaftung), we're willing to help as
well. But you'll have to do the legwork, locally and in Brussels ...

Best regards and greetings from Hong Kong

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