[WLANware] Features of wifi projects

demos demos at posteo.de
Thu Apr 2 09:23:22 CEST 2015

Salve, grüzi, moin,

Hat jemand ne Idee welche (Wifi) spezifischen Features, wir (EDN siehe
unten) von den
Projekten noch erfragen könnten, um einen guten Überblick darüber zu
gewinnen, was sie schon können?
(z.B CJDNS, Qaulnet, Commotion Wireless ...)

Hier die Liste:

'[BaseSystemComponentsNotes Projects] Feature List'

##### General Information

1. Project name
2. Short description of what it does
3. Software license
4. Email contact
5. Programming language
6. What has this project that others don't have?
7. Future plans

##### Software Architecture

8. Link to codebase
9. Architecture diagram (wrt OSI-layer)
10. Included applications (for example messaging)
11. It has got a GUI
 12. For network administration
 13. For simple using
14. Supports Anonymisation
15. Supports Encryption
16. With:
17. End2end
18. Link to implementation of encryption
19. Vulnerable against the following attacks
20. Which parts does this concern?

##### Routing

21. If it has got a routing protocol:
 22. Uses which routing protocol
 23. Link to its Code base
 24. Kinds of routing performance evaluation
 25. Results of routing performance evaluation
 26. Maximum network size(nodes/users)
27. If it does wireless mesh networking:
 28. Uses adhoc-Wlan
 29. Uses 2,4 Ghz Wifi
 30. Uses 5 Ghz Wifi
 31. Uses Bluetooth

##### Requirements

32. Maximum RAM usage
33. Disk space used for program
34. Does your software have extra hardware requirements?
35. Requires Internet connection
36. Supported plattforms (openwrt, Android etc.)

Schönen Tag!:)

The goal of EDN is to verify the applicability of existing technologies
and solutions (see Recherche), and to integrate them in a comprehensive
An encrypted Wireless Community Network, whose complete communication of
its several services is anonymised against third-parties - a kind of
Tails for Wireless Community Networks.

Key here: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x9B365E2DBF83D308

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