zhenyu cheng chengzhenyu06 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 03:13:16 CET 2011

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Cheng Zhenyu, a Chinese student from Beijing. I graduated from Tsinghua
University last year and now I am studying in Graduate University of Chinese
Academy of Science for my doctorate degree. Since I will be free for most of
the coming summer, I can and I will devote myself to coding if I have the
honor of working with you. My email address is
chengzhenyu06 at gmail.com<file:///D:/%E8%AF%BE%E7%A8%8B/GSOC/chengzhenyu06@gmail.com>.
You can always get in touch with you by email or Google talk.

I am good at C/C++ and familiar with network programming on windows
platform. I do coding work a lot not only because my major makes me have to
do so but also I find fun in coding. Besides, I used to do some research
about wireless mesh network in the university lab for three months during my
third year in college. My work mainly focused on different routing protocols
for ad hoc network and network structure, especially Dynamic Source Routing
and Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing protocols. I designed the
simulation model for these two protocols on Network Simulation 2 and made
detailed performance test and analysis.

I have great interest in projects proposed by Freifunk on Google Summer of
Code, especially on *Peer-to-peer file sharing applications in Wireless Mesh
Networks*. But there is something I do not quite catch. Does the software
need to auto-search files in the internal network or just transfer files
between two nodes? If it is the former, do we use the already existed
routing protocol or develop a new one to skip the TCP layer? I believe I am
qualified for the job if I do not need to develop a new protocol.

What is more, an idea just comes to my mind when I saw the file-sharing and
VOIP projects. I would like to develop chatting software that can be used
internal wireless mesh network. By using this software we can talk to each
other without internet access as long as you can be found located in the
same ad hoc network, even if you are not directly connected. When two people
are not directly connected, they can also communicate by finding a path
between each other. What I want to do is finding the best already-existed
routing protocol by simulation and experiment and then using it in the
talking software. This will obviously make people communicate more
conveniently. I am eager to know what you’re thinking about this.

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to contact me. Looking forward to
your reply.


Cheng Zhenyu

School of Information Science and Engineering

Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science

Beijing, China

E-mail: chengzhenyu06 at gmail.com<file:///D:/%E8%AF%BE%E7%A8%8B/GSOC/chengzhenyu06@gmail.com>
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