[WLANware] Dead MeshCube

Ralph J.Mayer rmayer at vinotech.de
Sun Jun 17 11:58:01 CEST 2007


ich hab einen Patienten bekommen, der Kleine gibt auf der seriellen
nach dem Einschalten nur noch folgendes aus:

AMON ROM Monitor, Revision 02.17mtx1.
Copyright (c) 1999-2000 MIPS Technologies, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.

For a list of available commands, type 'help'.

Compilation time =            Aug 19 2003  13:49:58
MAC address =                 00.0e.
Processor Company ID =        0x03
Processor ID/revision =       0x02 / 0x02
Endianness =                  Little
CPU =                         324 MHz
Flash memory size =           32 MByte
SDRAM size =                  64 MByte
First free SDRAM address =    0x8008ac24

Environment variable 'start' exists. After 2 seconds
it will be interpreted as a YAMON command and executed.
Press Ctrl-C to bypass this.

* Exception (user) : Reserved instruction *

CAUSE    = 0x00808028  STATUS   = 0x00000002
EPC      = 0xbfd00000  ERROREPC = 0x00001000
BADVADDR = 0x20402210

$ 0(zr):0x00000000  $ 8(t0):0x00000000  $16(s0):0x00000000 $24
$ 1(at):0x00000000  $ 9(t1):0x00000000  $17(s1):0x00000000 $25
$ 2(v0):0x00000000  $10(t2):0x00000000  $18(s2):0x00000000 $26
$ 3(v1):0x00000000  $11(t3):0x00000000  $19(s3):0x00000000 $27
$ 4(a0):0x00000002  $12(t4):0x00000000  $20(s4):0x00000000 $28
$ 5(a1):0x80080af0  $13(t5):0x00000000  $21(s5):0x00000000 $29
$ 6(a2):0x80043b48  $14(t6):0x00000000  $22(s6):0x00000000 $30
$ 7(a3):0x04000000  $15(t7):0x00000000  $23(s7):0x00000000 $31

Danach bleibt er mit nem blinkenden Cursor hängen. 

Gibt es eine Chance den Cube zu retten?


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