[WLANware] FF-ng

Sven-Ola Tuecke mail2news at commando.de
Mon Jan 8 12:56:38 CET 2007

Hi Dan,

the Freifunk-Firmware itself (as it exists today) will not make it in the 
current form into Kamikaze. I am willing to maintain the Whiterussian based 
Freifunk-Firmware as "stable" and "brcm-only" distrubution for the WRTs and 
simliar devices for a certain time. We have a lot of the WRTs on the roof 
and nobody wants to throw them away or put too experimental stuff on them. 
And yes - you are right: The configuration system is the critical component 
here (e.g. config does not survive a firmware flash which is unsuitable for 
the current deployment model).

My plan is to make/maintain a bunch of ipkg's to be installed on/compiled 
into Kamikaze, especially for upcoming + new devices (ARM7, AthSoC, x86, 
UML, [...]). But I would not expect to be ready until mid-of-2007. Talked 
about this to the OpenWRT developer croud which showed up on 23c3 in berlin 

You refer to the "ff-ng" directory in the CVS on sourceforge, but this is 
really not ready yet. Current Status for broadcom devices (WRT's, WAP's and 
the like): Kamikaze/brcm + kernel-2.4 + Broadcom-closed-wl.o has no real 
advantage compared to whiterussian + kernel2.4 + wl.o (besides feeling 
"newer" ;-). Kamikaze / brcm + kernel-2.6 + opensource-brcm4306 is unusable 
in ad-hoc and needs time to mature. The current FF-Kit will migrate to the 
similar construct offered by Kamikaze to make it easy to generate customized 
and monolitc firmwares. I think the FF-web-ui and some of the more freifunk 
specific packages will make it into ff-ng too.

And of course: Feel free to experiment for yourself...

// Sven-Ola

""Dan Flett"" <conhoolio at hotmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:BAY121-DAV1504EAF14457D6277ACDD0AFBE0 at phx.gbl...

Hi all,

This question is mainly for Sven-Ola - since Kamikaze doesn't use NVRAM,
will FF-ng use config files also?  I ask mainly because the Freifunk Kit
mainly relies on NVRAM configs - there will have to be a bit of re-writing
to make the Kit work with Kamikaze config files.  But in the interests of
compatibility with Kamikaze, I'm happy to contribute to re-writing the Kit
to make it work.



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