[WLANware] Features added to the Freifunk Kit

Dan Flett conhoolio at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 22 13:43:15 CEST 2006

> Hi again,
> oops. Stripped 386-busybox has 400k for two applets!? Funny. 
> Thought MIPS binaries are huge, now learned a new one...

Yeah, you said it!  But busybox was the only implementation of md5crypt in c
that didn't require external libraries that I could find. :(  And busybox is
about the same size with just httpd.

As for symlinks - you'll see that inside gen-openwrt I've decided not to
bother with symlinks - I've just called httpd as "busybox httpd -m password"
I would do the same with ipcalc.  If we need to call either ipcalc or httpd
more than once, just use a variable - 
e.g. $HTTPD="busybox httpd"

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