[WLANnews] 8. Planning of 34c3 Freifunk Assembly and Chaos Competence Center Infrastructure

Robert Manigk p1ng0ut at mailbox.org
Mi Nov 15 21:48:21 CET 2017

Dear Freifunk Fellows,

tomorrow we meet us at 8 o'clock PM in mumble [1] again to discuss the
further processing until the 34c3. We'll talk about the open tasks and
technical requirements to set up our assembly. The trello board [2],
were we track all open issues, is public now and could be seen by
everyone. Feel free to join and help us, there are many things to do.

Best Regards,

[1] https://wiki.freifunk.net/Freifunk_Vernetzungsmumble
[2] https://trello.com/b/mDAwUX0q/34c3

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