[WLANnews] Ideas for Freifunk Google Summer of Code 2014 - Yes or No?

Franziska Schmidt fps2 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Fr Feb 28 23:09:35 CET 2014

Hi all,

I'm a computer science master's student at the University of St Andrews in

I've looked around your GSoC projects[1] and a lot of them look quite cool!

Specifically I'd be interested in the IPv6MESH project, and some of the
Libre-Mesh and NodeWatcher projects sound very interesting also.

I was wondering, have you decided on potential mentors for these respective
projects already?
I did not find any contact info on the ideas page, although of course there
are some names
on the respective GitHub pages.

Who is best to contact about discussing these?



[1] http://wiki.freifunk.net/Ideas
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