[WLANnews] today 19:00: network map / LibreMap workshop @ 30c3

André Gaul gaul at web-yard.de
Sa Dez 28 00:36:23 CET 2013


If you are around at the 30c3 in Hamburg and are interested in community
network maps, then you're welcome to come to the

   network map workshop [1]
   today, 28th Dec, 19:00
   Freifunk assembly on floor 1 (underneath Saal 1)

The main topic will be a presentation+discussion of LibreMap [2] which
is a scalable, global and decentralized router database and map
visualization for community networks:
 * how to set up a LibreMap server and map for your community?
 * how to let openwrt routers submit their information?
 * how to set up replication with other communities?
 * how to extend your LibreMap map with plugins?
 * how to dump your existing router database to a LibreMap server?
 * your questions+suggestions here!

Hope to see you today for filling a global community network map! :)


[1] https://events.ccc.de/congress/2013/wiki/Session:Network_map_workshop
[2] http://libremap.net

Homepage   http://page.math.tu-berlin.de/~gaul
github     https://github.com/andrenarchy
Twitter    https://twitter.com/#!/andrenarchy
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Jabber     gaul at web-yard.de
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