[WLANnews] Fwd: CFP: 28c3 Mesh Network Get-together

hirschgott at unkonstruktiv.de hirschgott at unkonstruktiv.de
Fr Nov 18 10:36:13 CET 2011

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	CFP: 28c3 Mesh Network Get-together
Date: 	Fri, 18 Nov 2011 10:30:51 +0100
From: 	Moritz Bartl <moritz at torservers.net>

Hi Mesh fans,

There will be a workshop/meeting slot at the upcoming Chaos
Communication Congress in Berlin (Dec 27-30) to bring together mesh
network researchers and activists from around the globe. The idea is to
have everyone present in a very concise matter what they are working on,
what their current obstacles are, etc. Where do we want to be at in two
years? In five?

I am thinking of three slides maximum per group/activity. I will take
notes at the session and publish them on the 28c3 wiki afterwards.

Please send me your slides (if any) before the workshop so we can use
one laptop. If you are not physically present at the Congress, I will
try and do my best to show off your material.

Feel free to forward this to relevant lists and people. Get back to me
as soon as possible so I can add you/your project to the list of attendees.

Moritz Bartl

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