[WLANnews] [WLANware] Selling the idea of OLSR

Daniel Paufler d.paufler at fhtw-berlin.de
Mo Jul 10 12:25:51 CEST 2006

Hash: SHA1


just to give you my 2 cents.
> * Mesh networks are not scalable - they cause too much CPU load on small
> routers.
well - true. having 100 nodes isnt a big problem. we currently have
about 250-350 nodes in berlin - well handled by fisheye and wrt54X. Its
proven that it will not scale endlessly, but no one knows exactly where
it ends. for a very short time, we got 500 nodes together - cant say
much about stability eg.
The problems we have does not came from olsr routing but from HF foo and
lousy links.

> * Omni antennas pick up too much RF noise for usable links
true. take Aaron's advice and use directed on important links. We even
put them to manged mode /30 but still running OLSR on them.

> * Omni-to-Omni links have limited range and the population density in
> Melbourne is not sufficient for a critical mass to form a useful mesh
well - in a small area covering about 10-20 users we dont have any
problems. but dont try to use them everywhere and in every situation.
guess dont have to tell ;)

> * A network where everyone is using a /16 netmask will be like a giant LAN
> and everyone will be swamped with everyone else's broadcast traffic
almost. We use /8 network. Its true, we all are in one big  collision
domain. BUT - its as far as your own radio can speak. you dont see
broadcast from nodes you dont have as neighbours cause you dont share
the same layer2 medium anymore.

> * Using OLSR on every node is like trying to create a city-wide network with
not true. WDS is operating on layer2 (afaik) while OLSR does layer3
routing. we only have minor experience in WDS - but we found it suitable
only for very small house networks (3-5 nodes).

By runnig OLSR, you will get more "noise" trafic e.g. protocoll overhead
than running OSPF (afaik) but you can tweak OLSR parameter. Make sure
you running OLSR fisheye routing with some slow hello-values.

how many nodes we are talking about?

greetings from Berlin to Melbourne


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Angewandte Informatik - Computer Aided Facility Managemnt
FHTW Berlin (http://www.fhtw-berlin.de)
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