[WLANnews] http://openwrt.org/ defaced?

Stefan Braun sbraun at freesurf.ch
Sa Apr 1 19:24:43 CEST 2006

Am Samstag, den 01.04.2006, 17:39 +0200 schrieb rene:
> Hi,
> ist mir grad aufgefallen:
> http://openwrt.org/ sieht nicht mehr aus wie's sollte.

Ich denke mal, dass dies ein Aprilscherz ist. Bei mir wird nach kurzer
Zeit die gewohnte Webseite geladen. :-)

Hier ausserdem ein Überraschungs-1.April-Release von OpenWRT (LOL!)
( von http://openwrt.org/index.php/?p=29 )

Drink the Koolaid

Tired of the anarchy of commandline interfaces? Looking to avoid those
people that treat firmwares as some sort of religion? Want something so
sugary sweet that it’s nearly poisonous?

Introducing the new OpenWrt Koolaid release.

The new Koolaid release is designed for a younger generation not yet
ready for the White Russian releases.


Fully themable graphically intense accelerated GUI with simple one
button interfaces. (Requires IE7 or higher with CSS3.0 support; 6Ghz PC
P2P optimized QoS bandwidth management and traffic shaping to maximize
P2P downloads while minimizing bandwidth wasted on P2P uploads
Enhanced firewall content filtering to protect against “0-day” IE
exploits and Phishing attacks
Integrated support for many Instant message protocols including
automatic translation of common IM shorthand such as the phrase
Full support for a wide variety of packet injection, sniffing and
WEP/WPA cracking utilities

Die Systemanforderungen sind enorm hoch. Hat jemand einen 6GHz PC zur
Hand? ;-)

> Grüße,
> Rene

Stefan Braun.

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