[Freifunk Franken] [PATCH] Nodewatcher optimisation

Tim Niemeyer tim.niemeyer at mastersword.de
Do Jan 31 22:53:41 CET 2013

The nodewatcher.sh got a diet. :)

Stats from DIR300

Old nodewatcher:
real    1m 43.86s
user    0m 5.59s
sys 0m 32.78s
Memory consumption.. over ~1.5MB

New nodewatcher:
real    0m 17.17s
user    0m 0.99s
sys 0m 4.33s
Memory consumption.. below ~0.5MB

Signed-off-by: Tim Niemeyer <tim.niemeyer at mastersword.de>
 bsp/default/root_file_system/etc/nodewatcher.sh |  318 ++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 137 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bsp/default/root_file_system/etc/nodewatcher.sh b/bsp/default/root_file_system/etc/nodewatcher.sh
index 9c3e4f7..d184aa9 100755
--- a/bsp/default/root_file_system/etc/nodewatcher.sh
+++ b/bsp/default/root_file_system/etc/nodewatcher.sh
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
 # Netmon Nodewatcher (C) 2010-2012 Freifunk Oldenburg
 # License; GPL v3
 #Get the configuration from the uci configuration file
 #If it does not exists, then get it from a normal bash file with variables.
 if [ -f /etc/config/nodewatcher ];then
-	SCRIPT_VERSION=`uci get nodewatcher. at script[0].version`
 	SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL=`uci get nodewatcher. at script[0].error_level`
 	SCRIPT_LOGFILE=`uci get nodewatcher. at script[0].logfile`
 	SCRIPT_DATA_FILE=`uci get nodewatcher. at script[0].data_file`
@@ -15,14 +16,22 @@ else
 	. `dirname $0`/nodewatcher_config
+if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
+    err() {
+        echo $1 >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
+    }
+    err() {
+        :
+    }
 #this method checks id the logfile has bekome too big and deletes the first X lines
 delete_log() {
 	if [ -f $SCRIPT_LOGFILE ]; then
 		if [ `ls -la $SCRIPT_LOGFILE | awk '{ print $5 }'` -gt "6000" ]; then
 			sed -i '1,60d' $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
-			if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
-				echo "`date`: Logfile has been made smaller" >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
-			fi
+            err "`date`: Logfile has been made smaller"
@@ -30,195 +39,146 @@ delete_log() {
 #this method generates the crawl data xml file that is beeing fetched by netmon
 #and provided by a small local httpd
 crawl() {
-	#Get system data from UCI
-	if which uci >/dev/null; then
-		if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
-			echo "`date`: UCI is installed, trying to collect extra data from UCI" >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
-		fi
-		location="`uci get freifunk.contact.location`"
-		latitude="`uci get system. at system[0].latitude`"
-		longitude="`uci get system. at system[0].longitude`"
-		community_essid="`uci get freifunk.community.ssid`"
-		community_nickname="`uci get freifunk.contact.nickname`"
-		community_email="`uci get freifunk.contact.mail`"
-		community_prefix="`uci get freifunk.community.prefix`"
-		description="`uci get freifunk.contact.note`"
-	fi
-	#Get system data from LUA	
-	if which lua >/dev/null; then
-		if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
-			echo "`date`: LUA is installed, trying to collect extra data from LUA" >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
-		fi
-		luciname=`lua -l luci.version -e 'print(luci.version.luciname)'`
-		lucversion=`lua -l luci.version -e 'print(luci.version.luciversion)'`
-	fi
 	#Get system data from other locations
-	if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
-		echo "`date`: Collecting basic system status data" >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
-	fi
-	hostname="`cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname`"
-	uptime=`cat /proc/uptime | awk '{ print $1 }'`
-	idletime=`cat /proc/uptime | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+    err "`date`: Collecting basic system status data"
+    hostname="$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname)"
+	uptime=$(awk '{ printf "<uptime>"$1"</uptime><idletime>"$2"</idletime>" }' /proc/uptime)
-	memory_total=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep 'MemTotal' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
-	memory_caching=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep -m 1 'Cached:' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
-	memory_buffering=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep 'Buffers' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
-	memory_free=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep 'MemFree' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
-	cpu=`grep -m 1 "cpu model" /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d ":" -f 2`
-	if [ -n $cpu ]; then
-		cpu=`grep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d ":" -f 2`
-	fi
-	chipset=`grep -m 1 "system type" /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d ":" -f 2`
+    memory=$(awk '
+        /MemTotal/ { printf "<memory_total>"$2"</memory_total>" }
+        /Cached:/ { printf "<memory_caching>"$2"</memory_caching>" }
+        /Buffers/ { printf "<memory_buffering>"$2"</memory_buffering>" }
+        /MemFree/ { printf "<memory_free>"$2"</memory_free>" }
+    ' /proc/meminfo)
+	cpu=$(awk -F': ' '
+        /model/ { printf "<cpu>"$2"</cpu>" }
+        /system type/ { printf "<chipset>"$2"</chipset>" }
+    ' /proc/cpuinfo)
 	local_time="`date +%s`"
-	processes=`cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{ print $4 }'`
-	loadavg=`cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+	load=$(awk '{ printf "<loadavg>"$3"</loadavg><processes>"$4"</processes>" }' /proc/loadavg)
-	if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
-		echo "`date`: Collecting version information" >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
-	fi
-	if which batctl >/dev/null; then
-		batctl_adv_version=`batctl -v | awk '{ print $2 }'`
-		batman_adv_version=`batctl o -n|head -n1|awk '{ print $3 }'|sed 's/,//'`
-	fi
-	kernel_version=`uname -r`
+    err "`date`: Collecting version information"
+    batman_adv_version=$(cat /sys/module/batman_adv/version)
+	kernel_version=$(uname -r)
-	openwrt_version_file="/etc/openwrt_release"
-	if [ -f $openwrt_version_file ]; then
-		. $openwrt_version_file
-		distname=$DISTRIB_ID
-		distversion=$DISTRIB_RELEASE
-	fi
-	firmware_version_file="/etc/firmware_release"
-	if [ -f $firmware_version_file ]; then
-		. $firmware_version_file
-	fi
+    # example for /etc/openwrt_release:
+    #DISTRIB_ID="OpenWrt"
+    #DISTRIB_RELEASE="Attitude Adjustment"
+    #DISTRIB_REVISION="r35298"
+    #DISTRIB_CODENAME="attitude_adjustment"
+    #DISTRIB_TARGET="atheros/generic"
+    #DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="OpenWrt Attitude Adjustment 12.09-rc1"
+	. /etc/openwrt_release
+    distname=$DISTRIB_ID
+    distversion=$DISTRIB_RELEASE
+    # example for /etc/firmware_release:
+    #FIRMWARE_VERSION="95f36685e7b6cbf423f02cf5c7f1e785fd4ccdae-dirty"
+    #RELEASE_DATE="build date: Di 29. Jan 19:33:34 CET 2013"
+    #FIRMWARE_REVISION="build date: Di 29. Jan 19:33:34 CET 2013"
+	. /etc/firmware_release
+	SYSTEM_DATA="<status>online</status><hostname>$hostname</hostname><distname>$distname</distname><distversion>$distversion</distversion>$cpu$memory$load$uptime<local_time>$local_time</local_time><batman_advanced_version>$batman_adv_version</batman_advanced_version><kernel_version>$kernel_version</kernel_version><nodewatcher_version>$nodewatcher_version</nodewatcher_version><firmware_version>$FIRMWARE_VERSION</firmware_version><firmware_revision>$FIRMWARE_REVISION</firmware_revision><openwrt_core_revision>$OPENWRT_CORE_REVISION</openwrt_core_revision><openwrt_feeds_packages_revision>$OPENWRT_FEEDS_PACKAGES_REVISION</openwrt_feeds_packages_revision>"
+    err "`date`: Collecting information from network interfaces"
-	if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
-		echo "`date`: Collecting information from network interfaces" >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
-	fi
 	#Get interfaces
-	IFACES=`cat /proc/net/dev | awk -F: '!/\|/ { gsub(/[[:space:]]*/, "", $1); split($2, a, " "); printf("%s=%s=%s ", $1, a[1], a[9]) }'`
+	#IFACES=`cat /proc/net/dev | awk -F: '!/\|/ { gsub(/[[:space:]]*/, "", $1); split($2, a, " "); printf("%s=%s=%s ", $1, a[1], a[9]) }'`
 	#Loop interfaces
-	for entry in $IFACES; do
-		iface=`echo $entry | cut -d '=' -f 1`
-		rcv=`echo $entry | cut -d '=' -f 2`
-		xmt=`echo $entry | cut -d '=' -f 3`
-		wlan_mode=""
-		wlan_bssid=""
-		wlan_essid=""
-		wlan_frequency=""
-		wlan_tx_power=""
+	#for entry in $IFACES; do
+    for filename in `grep up /sys/class/net/*/operstate`; do
+        ifpath=${filename%/operstate*}
+        iface=${ifpath#/sys/class/net/}
+		if [ "$iface" = "lo" ]; then
+            continue
+        fi
-		if [ "$iface" != "lo" ]; then
-			if [ "`ifconfig ${iface} | grep UP`" != "" ]; then
-				#Get interface data
-				name="${iface}"
-				mac_addr="`ifconfig ${iface} | grep 'HWaddr' | awk '{ print $5}'`"
-				ipv4_addr="`ifconfig ${iface} | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'`"
-				ipv6_addr="`ifconfig ${iface} | grep 'inet6 addr:' | grep 'Scope:Global' | awk '{ print $3}'`"
-				ipv6_link_local_addr="`ifconfig ${iface} | grep 'inet6 addr:' | grep 'Scope:Link' | awk '{ print $3}'`"
-				mtu="`ifconfig ${iface} | grep 'MTU' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'`"
-				traffic_rx="$rcv"
-				traffic_tx="$xmt"
-				interface_data=$interface_data"<$name><name>$name</name><mac_addr>$mac_addr</mac_addr><ipv4_addr>$ipv4_addr</ipv4_addr><ipv6_addr>$ipv6_addr</ipv6_addr><ipv6_link_local_addr>$ipv6_link_local_addr</ipv6_link_local_addr><traffic_rx>$traffic_rx</traffic_rx><traffic_tx>$traffic_tx</traffic_tx><mtu>$mtu</mtu>"
-				if [ "`iwconfig ${iface} 2>/dev/null | grep Frequency | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -d ':' -f 2`" != "" ]; then
-					wlan_mode="`iwconfig ${iface} 2>/dev/null | grep 'Mode' | awk '{ print $1 }' | cut -d ':' -f 2`"
-					if [ $wlan_mode = "Master" ]; then	
-						wlan_bssid="`iwconfig ${iface} 2>/dev/null | grep 'Access Point' | awk '{ print $6 }'`"
-					elif [ $wlan_mode = "Ad-Hoc" ]; then	
-						wlan_bssid="`iwconfig ${iface} 2>/dev/null | grep Cell | awk '{ print $5 }'`"
-					fi
-					wlan_essid="`iwconfig ${iface} 2>/dev/null | grep ESSID | awk '{ split($4, a, \"\\"\"); printf(\"%s\", a[2]); }'`"
-					wlan_frequency="`iwconfig ${iface} 2>/dev/null | grep Frequency | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -d ':' -f 2`"
-					wlan_tx_power="`iwconfig ${iface} 2>/dev/null | grep 'Tx-Power' | awk '{ print $4 }' | cut -d ':' -f 2`"
-					interface_data=$interface_data"<wlan_mode>$wlan_mode</wlan_mode><wlan_frequency>$wlan_frequency</wlan_frequency><wlan_essid>$wlan_essid</wlan_essid><wlan_bssid>$wlan_bssid</wlan_bssid><wlan_tx_power>$wlan_tx_power</wlan_tx_power>"
-				fi
-				interface_data=$interface_data"</$name>"
-			fi
-		fi
+        #Get interface data
+        addrs="$(ip addr show dev ${iface} | awk '
+            /ether/ { printf "<mac_addr>"$2"</mac_addr>" }
+            /inet / { split($2, a, "/"); printf "<ipv4_addr>"a[1]"</ipv4_addr>" }
+            /inet6/ && /scope global/ { printf "<ipv6_addr>"$2"</ipv6_addr>" }
+            /inet6/ && /scope link/ { printf "<ipv6_link_local_addr>"$2"</ipv6_link_local_addr>"}
+            /mtu/ { printf "<mtu>"$5"</mtu>" }
+        ')"
+        #mac_addr="`cat $ifpath/address`"
+        #ipv4_addr="`ip addr show dev ${iface} | awk '/inet / { split($2, a, "/"); print a[1] }'`"
+        #ipv6_addr="`ip addr show dev ${iface} scope global | awk '/inet6/ { print $2 }'`"
+        #ipv6_link_local_addr="`ip addr show dev ${iface} scope link | awk '/inet6/ { print $2 }'`"
+        #mtu=`cat $ifpath/mtu`
+        traffic_rx=`cat $ifpath/statistics/rx_bytes`
+        traffic_tx=`cat $ifpath/statistics/tx_bytes`
+        #interface_data=$interface_data"<$iface><name>$iface</name><mac_addr>$mac_addr</mac_addr><ipv4_addr>$ipv4_addr</ipv4_addr><ipv6_addr>$ipv6_addr</ipv6_addr><ipv6_link_local_addr>$ipv6_link_local_addr</ipv6_link_local_addr><traffic_rx>$traffic_rx</traffic_rx><traffic_tx>$traffic_tx</traffic_tx><mtu>$mtu</mtu>"
+        interface_data=$interface_data"<$iface><name>$iface</name>$addrs<traffic_rx>$traffic_rx</traffic_rx><traffic_tx>$traffic_tx</traffic_tx>"
+        interface_data=$interface_data$(iwconfig ${iface} 2>/dev/null | awk -F':' '
+            /Mode/{ split($2, m, " "); printf "<wlan_mode>"m[1]"</wlan_mode>" }
+            /Cell/{ split($0, c, " "); printf "<wlan_bssid>"c[5]"</wlan_bssid>" }
+            /ESSID/ { split($0, e, "\""); printf "<wlan_essid>"e[2]"</wlan_essid>" }
+            /Freq/{ split($3, f, " "); printf "<wlan_frequency>"f[1]f[2]"</wlan_frequency>" }
+            /Tx-Power/{ split($0, p, "="); sub(/[[:space:]]*$/, "", p[2]); printf "<wlan_tx_power>"p[2]"</wlan_tx_power>" }
+        ')"</$iface>"
+        #if [ "`iwconfig ${iface} 2>/dev/null | grep IEEE`" != "" ]; then
+        #    wlan_mode="`iwconfig $iface | awk -F':' '/Mode/{ split($2, m, " "); print m[1] }'`"
+        #
+        #    if [ $wlan_mode = "Master" ]; then	
+        #        wlan_bssid="`iw $iface info | awk '/addr/{ print $2 }'`"
+        #    elif [ $wlan_mode = "Ad-Hoc" ]; then	
+        #        wlan_bssid="`iwconfig $iface | awk '/Cell/{ print $5 }'`"
+        #    fi
+        #    
+        #    wlan_essid="`iwconfig ${iface} | awk -F'"' '/ESSID/ { print $2 }'`"
+        #    wlan_frequency="`iwconfig $iface | awk -F':' '/Freq/{ split($3, f, " "); print f[1] }'`"
+        #    wlan_tx_power="`iwconfig $iface | awk -F'=' '/Tx-Power/{ print $2 }'`"
+        #
+        #    interface_data=$interface_data"<wlan_mode>$wlan_mode</wlan_mode><wlan_frequency>$wlan_frequency</wlan_frequency><wlan_essid>$wlan_essid</wlan_essid><wlan_bssid>$wlan_bssid</wlan_bssid><wlan_tx_power>$wlan_tx_power</wlan_tx_power>"
+        #fi
+        #interface_data=$interface_data"</$iface>"
-	if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
-		echo "`date`: Collecting information from batman advanced and it´s interfaces" >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
-	fi
+    err "`date`: Collecting information from batman advanced and it´s interfaces"
 	#B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced
-	if which batctl >/dev/null; then
-        	batman_check_running=`batctl if | grep 'Error'`
-		if [ "$batman_check_running" == "" ]; then
-			has_active_interface="0"
-			BAT_ADV_IFACES=`batctl if | awk '{ print $1 }' | cut -d ':' -f 1`
-			for device_name in $BAT_ADV_IFACES; do
-				if [ "`batctl if | grep $device_name | grep active`" != "" ]; then
-					status='active'
-					has_active_interface="1"
-				else
-					status='inactive'
-				fi
-				BATMAN_ADV_INTERFACES=$BATMAN_ADV_INTERFACES"<$device_name><name>$device_name</name><status>$status</status></$device_name>"
-			done
-			if [ $has_active_interface = "1" ]; then
-				BAT_ADV_ORIGINATORS=`batctl o -n | grep 'No batman nodes in range'`
-				if [ "$BAT_ADV_ORIGINATORS" == "" ]; then
-					IFS="
-					BAT_ADV_ORIGINATORS=`batctl o -n | awk '/O/ {next} /B/ {next} {print}'`
-					count=0;
-					for row in $BAT_ADV_ORIGINATORS; do
-						row="${row//[\(\)]/}"
-						originator=`echo $row | awk '{print $1}'`
-						last_seen=`echo $row | awk '{print $2}'`
-						last_seen="${last_seen//s/}"
-						link_quality=`echo $row | awk '{print $3}'`
-                                                outgoing_interface=`echo $row | cut -d] -f1 | cut -d[ -f2`
-                                                outgoing_interface="${outgoing_interface// /}"
-						nexthop=`echo $row | awk '{print $4}'`
-						batman_adv_originators=$batman_adv_originators"<originator_$count><originator>$originator</originator><link_quality>$link_quality</link_quality><nexthop>$nexthop</nexthop><last_seen>$last_seen</last_seen><outgoing_interface>$outgoing_interface</outgoing_interface></originator_$count>"
-						count=`expr $count + 1`
-					done
-				fi
-			fi
-		fi
-	fi
-	if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
-		echo "`date`: Collecting information about conected clients" >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
-	fi
+    if [ -f /sys/module/batman_adv/version ]; then
+        for iface in $(grep active /sys/class/net/*/batman_adv/iface_status); do
+            status=${iface#*:}
+            iface=${iface%/batman_adv/iface_status:active}
+            iface=${iface#/sys/class/net/}
+            BATMAN_ADV_INTERFACES=$BATMAN_ADV_INTERFACES"<$iface><name>$iface</name><status>$status</status></$iface>"
+        done
+        batman_adv_originators=$(awk \
+            'BEGIN { FS=" "; i=0 }
+            /O/ { next }
+            /B/ { next }
+            {   sub("\\(", "", $0)
+                sub("\\)", "", $0)
+                sub("\\[", "", $0)
+                sub("\\]:", "", $0)
+                sub("  ", " ", $0)
+                printf "<originator_"i"><originator>"$1"</originator><link_quality>"$3"</link_quality><nexthop>"$4"</nexthop><last_seen>"$2"</last_seen><outgoing_interface>"$5"</outgoing_interface></originator_"i">"
+                i++
+            }' /sys/kernel/debug/batman_adv/bat0/originators)
+    fi
+    err "`date`: Collecting information about conected clients"
-	SEDDEV=`brctl showstp $MESH_INTERFACE | egrep '\([0-9]\)' | sed -e "s/(//;s/)//" | awk '{ print "s/^  "$2"/"$1"/;" }'`
+    SEDDEV=$(brctl showstp $MESH_INTERFACE | awk '/\([0-9]\)/ {
+            sub("\\(", "", $0)
+            sub("\\)", "", $0)
+            print "s/^  "$2"/"$1"/;"
+        }')
-	for entry in $CLIENT_INTERFACES; do
-	CLIENT_MACS=$CLIENT_MACS`brctl showmacs $MESH_INTERFACE | sed -e "$SEDDEV" | awk '{if ($3 != "yes" && $1 == "'"$entry"'") print $2}'`" "
-	done
+    client_count=$(brctl showmacs $MESH_INTERFACE | sed -e "$SEDDEV" | egrep -c "(${CLIENT_INTERFACES// /|}).*no")
-	i=0
-	for client in $CLIENT_MACS; do
-		i=`expr $i + 1`  #Zähler um eins erhöhen
-	done
-	client_count=$i
-	if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
-		echo "`date`: Putting all information into a XML-File and save it at "$SCRIPT_DATA_FILE >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
-	fi
-	SYSTEM_DATA="<status>online</status><hostname>$hostname</hostname><description>$description</description><location>$location</location><latitude>$latitude</latitude><longitude>$longitude</longitude><luciname>$luciname</luciname><luciversion>$luciversion</luciversion><distname>$distname</distname><distversion>$distversion</distversion><chipset>$chipset</chipset><cpu>$cpu</cpu><memory_total>$memory_total</memory_total><memory_caching>$memory_caching</memory_caching><memory_buffering>$memory_buffering</memory_buffering><memory_free>$memory_free</memory_free><loadavg>$loadavg</loadavg><processes>$processes</processes><uptime>$uptime</uptime><idletime>$idletime</idletime><local_time>$local_time</local_time><community_essid>$community_essid</community_essid><community_nickname>$community_nickname</community_nickname><community_email>$community_email</community_email><community_prefix>$community_prefix</community_prefix><batman_advanced_version>$batman_adv_version</batman_advanced
+    err "`date`: Putting all information into a XML-File and save it at "$SCRIPT_DATA_FILE
 	DATA="<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><data><system_data>$SYSTEM_DATA</system_data><interface_data>$interface_data</interface_data><batman_adv_interfaces>$BATMAN_ADV_INTERFACES</batman_adv_interfaces><batman_adv_originators>$batman_adv_originators</batman_adv_originators><client_count>$client_count</client_count></data>"
@@ -229,15 +189,11 @@ crawl() {
 #Prüft ob das logfile zu groß geworden ist
-if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
-	echo "`date`: Check logfile" >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
+err "`date`: Check logfile"
 #Erzeugt die statusdaten
-if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
-	echo "`date`: Generate actual status data" >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
+err "`date`: Generate actual status data"
 exit 0

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