[PATCH v1 4/4] Revert "configurehood: Prevent connecting two hoods"

Tim Niemeyer tim at tn-x.org
So Jun 10 14:06:01 CEST 2018

Fixes #95

This reverts commit 6cc6b4b786d24faf067a6b29118e997c28c4e70b.

Signed-off-by: Tim Niemeyer <tim at tn-x.org>
Reviewed-by: Christian Dresel <fff at chrisi01.de>


Changes in v1: None

 .../fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood     | 37 +---------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood
index eaf2578..8b04256 100755
--- a/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood
+++ b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 rm -f "$hoodfile"
@@ -73,12 +72,6 @@ fi
 lat=$(uci -q get fff.system.latitude)
 long=$(uci -q get fff.system.longitude)
-# reenable network interfaces in case we disabled them earlier
-if [ -f "$resetnetworkfile" ]; then
-	/etc/init.d/network restart
-	rm "$resetnetworkfile"
 if [ -s "$hoodlocal" ]; then
 	echo "Use local hood file"
@@ -144,35 +137,7 @@ else
 			echo "We have a Gateway in Range, we load the keyxchangev2data from fe80::1"
-			# check eth first
-			oldhood=""
-			ethfile="${hoodfile}eth"
-			for eth in $(batctl if | grep "eth" | sed -nE 's/.*(eth[^:]+):.*/\1/p'); do
-				for mac in $(batctl n | grep "$eth" | sed -nE 's/.*eth[0-9.]+\s+([^\s]+)\s.*/\1/p'); do
-					EUI="$(echo "$mac" | awk -F: '{ printf("%02x%s:%sff:fe%s:%s%s\n", xor(("0x"$1),2), $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) }')"
-					wget -T2 -t3 "http://[fe80::${EUI}%${eth}]:2342/keyxchangev2data" -O "$ethfile"
-					if [ -s "$ethfile" ]; then
-						json_load "$(cat "$ethfile")"
-						json_select hood
-						json_get_var newhood name
-						if [ -n "$oldhood" ] && [ -n "$newhood" ] && ( ! [ "$newhood" = "$oldhood" ] ) ; then
-							# 2nd hood found, kill interface and go on (next try in 5 min.)
-							echo "Two hoods detected. Remove cables to stay in just one."
-							ifconfig "$eth" down
-							touch "$resetnetworkfile"
-							continue 2 # go to the next interface
-						fi
-						mv "$ethfile" "$hoodfile" # Only use hoodfile if sane
-						[ -n "$oldhood" ] || oldhood="$newhood" # only set oldhood once
-					fi
-				done
-			done
-			if [ ! -s "$hoodfile" ]; then
-				# Only load hoodfile from gateway if not already present from local network
-				# - This gives local network a precedence (take the hood from local network)
-				# - This prevents file insertion from a third person, as I will only connect via LAN to who I trust
-				wget -T15 -t5 "http://[fe80::1%br-mesh]:2342/keyxchangev2data" -O "$hoodfile"
-			fi
+			wget -T15 -t5 "http://[fe80::1%br-mesh]:2342/keyxchangev2data" -O "$hoodfile"
 			#UPLINK: Do nothing

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