[PATCH v5 4/4] Add fff-hoods

Christian Dresel fff at chrisi01.de
Fr Sep 15 19:12:13 CEST 2017

ths packages connect to keyxchangev2
after review we must change the serveradress! This is only a example

Signed-off-by: Christian Dresel <fff at chrisi01.de>
Signed-off-by: Jan Kraus <mayosemmel at gmail.com>

Update in v2:
 - clean tabstops
 - move the json vpn out of the if because we need this after reboot

Update in v5:
 - change hidden AP ip to locallink
 - Open hidden AP after more checks
 - Load json File from Gateway if Gateway in Batman in Range

Signed-off-by: Christian Dresel <fff at chrisi01.de>
 src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/Makefile                |  39 ++++
 .../files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/50-fff-hoods         |   5 +
 .../fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/lib/micron.d/fff-hoods |   1 +
 .../fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood     | 209 +++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 254 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/Makefile
 create mode 100644 src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/50-fff-hoods
 create mode 100644 src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/lib/micron.d/fff-hoods
 create mode 100755 src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood

diff --git a/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/Makefile b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f85178d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/fff-hoods
+    SECTION:=base
+    CATEGORY:=Freifunk
+    TITLE:= Freifunk-Franken hoods
+    URL:=http://www.freifunk-franken.de
+    DEPENDS:=+fff-network
+define Package/fff-hoods/description
+    This package load and configures the current hood
+define Build/Prepare
+	echo "all: " > $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/Makefile
+define Build/Configure
+	# nothing
+define Build/Compile
+	# nothing
+define Package/fff-hoods/install
+	$(CP) ./files/* $(1)/
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,fff-hoods))
diff --git a/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/50-fff-hoods b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/50-fff-hoods
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49f53e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/etc/hotplug.d/iface/50-fff-hoods
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[ "$ACTION" = "ifup" -a "$INTERFACE" = "wan" ] && {
+       sleep 3
+       /usr/sbin/configurehood
diff --git a/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/lib/micron.d/fff-hoods b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/lib/micron.d/fff-hoods
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca8d798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/lib/micron.d/fff-hoods
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+*/5 * * * * /usr/sbin/configurehood
diff --git a/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..49c36c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+. /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh
+. /lib/functions/fff/wireless
+. /etc/community.cfg
+# hidden AP check
+if [ -n /tmp/hiddenapflag ]; then
+	if [ "$(batctl gwl | wc -l)" -gt 2 ]; then
+		if ! wifiAddAP "$radio" "config.franken.freifunk.net" "configap" "configap" "1"; then
+			echo "Can't add AP interface on $radio."
+			exit 1
+		else
+			#we must set here a fix ip adress
+			uci set network.configap=interface
+			uci set network.configap.proto='static'
+			uci set network.configap.ip6addr='fded:c8f0:4b9a::1/64'
+			uci commit network
+		fi
+	else
+		rm /tmp/hiddenapflag
+	fi
+lat=$(uci get system. at system[0].latitude)
+long=$(uci get system. at system[0].longitude)
+mac=$(awk '{ mac=toupper($1); gsub(":", "", mac); print mac }' /sys/class/net/br-mesh/address 2>/dev/null)
+hostname=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname)
+[ "$hostname" = "OpenWrt" ] && hostname=""
+[ "$hostname" = "" ] &&  hostname="$mac"
+test_ipv4_host1="keyserver.freifunk-franken.de" # Freifunk-Franken keyserver
+test_ipv4_host2=""        # Google DNS
+test_ipv6_host1="heise.de"       # heise Zeitschriftenverlag
+# if we have Internet, we download the Hoodfile from the keyxchangev2
+if ping -w5 -c3 "$test_ipv4_host1" &>/dev/null ||
+	ping -w5 -c3 "$test_ipv4_host2" &>/dev/null ||
+	ping6 -w5 -c3 "$test_ipv6_host1" &>/dev/null; then
+	# do we have a fastd secret
+	if ! egrep "option secret '[0-9a-f]{64}'" /etc/config/fastd &>/dev/null; then
+		secret=$(fastd --generate-key 2>&1 |  awk '/[Ss]ecret/ { print $2 }')
+		uci set fastd.${project}.secret="$secret"
+		uci commit fastd
+	fi
+	pubkey=$(echo "secret \"$(uci get fastd.fff.secret)\";" | fastd -c - --show-key --machine-readable)
+	#don't know what about port? Need this? Have we this in der old version?
+	wget -T15 "$mac&name=$hostname&port=$port&key=$pubkey&lat=$lat&long=$long" -O /tmp/keyxchangev2data
+	#if no Internet, we connect to the hidden AP and download the file from another Node in range 
+	# connect to wireless hidden ap here and download from the next router the json File -O /tmp/keyxchangev2data
+	# only to that, when we have no gateway in range. If the Uplinkrouter change the hood, we lost the GW and to this automatically again i think! Nice idea?
+	if [ "$(batctl gwl | wc -l)" -lt 3 ]; then
+		#now we haven't a gateway in Range, we search for a hidden AP to get a keyxchangev2data file!
+		#first we delete all wifi settings
+		if ! wifiDelAll; then
+			echo "Can't delete current wifi setup"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		#now we look for phy and add this
+		for phy in $(iw phy | awk '/^Wiphy/{ print $2 }'); do
+			if iw phy "$phy" info | grep -q -m1 "2... MHz"; then
+				echo "$phy is 2.4 GHz"
+				radio=$(wifiAddPhy "$phy" "$BATMAN_CHANNEL")
+				if [ -z "$radio" ]; then
+					echo "Can't create radio for $phy"
+					exit 1
+				fi
+			fi
+			if iw phy "$phy" info | grep -q -m1 "5... MHz"; then
+				echo "$phy is 5 GHz"
+				radio=$(wifiAddPhy "$phy" "$BATMAN_CHANNEL_5GHZ")
+				if [ -z "$radio" ]; then
+					echo "Can't create radio for $phy"
+					exit 1
+				fi
+			fi
+			#and here we add the station
+			if ! wifiAddSta "$radio" "config.franken.freifunk.net" "configSta"; then
+				echo "Can't add Sta interface on $radio."
+				exit 1
+			else
+				# here we must set a fix ip adress on the new wifi interface!
+				uci set network.configSta=interface
+				uci set network.configSta.proto='static'
+				# we need a random adress because it can more than 1 Router connect!
+				# Set fe80::1 as IP
+				uci set network.configSta.ip6addr="fe80::1"
+				uci commit network
+			fi
+		done
+                wifi                                                                                       
+                # wait a moment to start the interface                                                                                                         
+                sleep 10;                                                                                                                             
+                #and here we can download the Hoodfile from the other node
+                wget -T15 "http://[fe80::1%w2sta]/keyxchangev2data" -O /tmp/keyxchangev2data   
+	else
+		echo "We have a Gateway in Range, we load the keyxchangev2data from fe80::1"
+		wget -T15 "http://[fe80::1%w2sta]/keyxchangev2data" -O /tmp/keyxchangev2data 
+	fi
+# we get a json file in this format: 
+# https://pw.freifunk-franken.de/patch/205/
+# but without signature, every hood file we get is valid!
+sumnew=$(sha256sum /tmp/keyxchangev2data | cut -f1 -d " ")
+sumold=$(sha256sum /www/public/keyxchangev2data | cut -f1 -d " ")
+if [ "$sumnew" != "$sumold" ]; then
+	echo "New file detect, we reconfigure the Node";
+	# copy the file to webroot that other Meshrouter can download them
+	cp /tmp/keyxchangev2data /www/public/
+	json_load "$(cat /tmp/keyxchangev2data)"
+	json_select hood
+	json_get_var hood name
+	json_get_var mesh_bssid mesh_bssid
+	json_get_var mesh_essid mesh_essid
+	json_get_var essid essid
+	# i think the next things we don't active this in the first version! we can do it later
+	#json_get_var channel2 channel2
+	#json_get_var mode2 mode2
+	#json_get_var type2 type2
+	#json_get_var channel5 channel5
+	#json_get_var mode5 mode5
+	#json_get_var type5 type5
+	#json_get_var protocol protocol
+	echo "Setting hood name: $hood"
+	uci set system. at system[0].hood=$hood
+	if ! wifiDelAll; then
+		echo "Can't delete current wifi setup"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	for phy in $(iw phy | awk '/^Wiphy/{ print $2 }'); do
+		if iw phy "$phy" info | grep -q -m1 "2... MHz"; then
+			echo "$phy is 2.4 GHz"
+			radio=$(wifiAddPhy "$phy" "1")
+			if [ -z "$radio" ]; then
+				echo "Can't create radio for $phy"
+				exit 1
+			fi
+		fi
+		if iw phy "$phy" info | grep -q -m1 "5... MHz"; then
+			echo "$phy is 5 GHz"
+			radio=$(wifiAddPhy "$phy" "13")
+			if [ -z "$radio" ]; then
+				echo "Can't create radio for $phy"
+				exit 1
+			fi
+		fi
+		if ! wifiAddAP "$radio" "$essid" "mesh" "ap" "0"; then
+			echo "Can't add AP interface on $radio."
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		# here we set a bit for add hidden AP
+		touch /tmp/hiddenapflag
+		if ! wifiAddAdHocMesh "$radio" "$mesh_essid" "$mesh_bssid"; then
+			echo "Can't add AP interface on $radio."
+			exit 1
+		fi
+	done
+	echo "Loading wifi"
+	wifi
+	echo "we have no new file and do nothing";
+# and now we read the VPN Data and give this data to fff-vpn
+json_load "$(cat /tmp/keyxchangev2data)"
+json_select vpn
+rm /tmp/fastd_${project}_output
+touch /tmp/fastd_${project}_output
+while json_select $Index > /dev/null
+	json_get_var protocol protocol                                                                                                                                                            
+	if [ "$protocol" == "fastd"]; then
+		json_get_var servername name
+		echo "####$servername.conf" >> /tmp/fastd_${project}_output
+		echo "#name \"$servername\";" >> /tmp/fastd_${project}_output
+		json_get_var key key
+		echo "key \"$key\";" >> /tmp/fastd_${project}_output
+		json_get_var address address
+		json_get_var port port
+		echo "remote ipv4 \"$address\" port $port float;" >> /tmp/fastd_${project}_output
+	fi
+	echo "" >> /tmp/fastd_${project}_output
+	echo "###" >> /tmp/fastd_${project}_output
+#this we do every 5 minutes, because it can change the VPN Protocol
+#and now we get to vpn-select Script and load VPNs
+sh /usr/sbin/vpn-select

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