[ff-firmware-devel] [SECURITY] Critical vulnerability in Gluon - Bugfix release on Thursday, 2022-05-05
Matthias Schiffer
mschiffer at universe-factory.net
Mo Mai 2 21:22:20 CEST 2022
Hi everyone,
we have recently found a critial security vulnerability in Gluon, making a
timely update of all nodes necessary.
The bugfix has not been pushed to the public Gluon repository yet to avoid
disclosing information on this issue. A detailed advisory will be published
at the same time as Gluon 2021.1.2, which will contain the fix.
The release is scheduled for the evening of Thursday, 2022-05-05. As all
previous Gluon releases are affected, we will also provide bugfix backports
for various older release branches that are still in use, regardless of
end-of-life status.
-- NeoRaider
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