[ff-firmware-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Gluon v2018.2.4

Martin Weinelt martin at darmstadt.freifunk.net
Fr Jan 3 11:24:08 CET 2020

Last night we've released the last maintenance version of the Gluon
v2018.2.x series. Please do update to v2019.1.x or newer after this.

This release includes the latest changes of OpenWrt 18.06, including an
updated routing feed giving us the backported batman-adv fixes from
v2019.4 and v2019.5.
We've also fixed autoupdates on the Unifi AC LR and corrected the ath10k
firmware selection on the Ocedo Koala.

As always check the release notes for the big picture.


-- hexa-

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